The emergence of virtual worlds like Second Life, coupled with the rise of remote work during the pandemic, has given rise to a wide range of new methods for experiencing and engaging with the world. This evolution is being driven by Gen Z, the first generation to grow up in a digitally native and globally connected environment, whose behaviors and attitudes are already shaping the development of the metaverse. Additionally, forward-thinking startups and early-adopting companies are pioneering various compelling use cases within the metaverse, including immersive training, accelerated product design, and more. The term "Metaverse" gained widespread recognition when Facebook underwent a corporate rebranding and changed its name to Meta in October 2021 ( Tucci, 2023) . Along with the rebranding, Meta revealed its intentions to invest a minimum of $10 billion in the Metaverse concept during that year. Gather.Town is a web-conferencing software similar to Zoom, but with an addit...